In the heart of the Vosges du Nord Regional Park, you will discover in Soucht village of the clog makers, all the aspects of the manual and mechanical manufacture of the clog.
This discovery will take place in a High Environmental Quality building entirely made of wood with the help of various activities: manual and mechanical demonstrations, exhibited collections, films and slide shows, games, …
MAJ COVID-19: The museum opens its doors every day from 2 pm to 6 pm. Wearing of the mask is mandatory, respect of the gestures barriers and gel at disposal. For more information: contact 03 87 96 25 58. The museum is open from Easter to All Saints’ Day, and is open all year round for groups and schoolchildren.
Contactez-nous !
Nous reviendrons vers vous au plus vite !
Nous trouver
Rue des sabotiers, 57960 Soucht
Parking gratuit pour les visiteurs
Caravane et bus acceptés
Nous joindre
Musée du Sabotier
+33 3 87 96 25 58
Lu - Ve, 14:00-18:00